Saturday, April 18, 2009

A Lust of Wind- The Return to Roots

The constant and overpowering wafting of the scent of the rain that never came drove me crazy all day...and you were so beautiful. If not nature, you were...covered in the muck and sweat from the earth and air of all the places you took me with you...for all the cringing of my heart, I could never believe I betrayed you myself...

In the flickering torment
Of light and leaves,
Who shall win
The half-hearted wind?
Beneath the sunshine
Of the neon eaves,
I stand nowhere
I can rise and sink.
And in a trance and a sore-eyed blink
The lust vaporized as you walked in…

The freedom thrust
Into the incessant traffic,
Livid with the clatter
Of emerald hope,
Lingered long till
A crimson brick
Wall stood between you
And my road…
The lust returned as an impatient child,
And ran, it ran escapist and wild…

Dates of my diary,
Charred holes in pages
And cigarette butts
Nipped till the ends
No runaway homage,
Just a rampage,
Of the loveless miser,
Voiceless tramp.

And the wind is gone,
The light disappears,
It starts to rain…
Ecstatic,the leaves quiver…

NuMB SaTurdaY- The Reason and Reflex

Its been days since I was stoned....and you were uprooted.Its been days since I've ceased punishing myself for what happened and begun blaming you secretly for reminding me of my guilt...and the sins will never vanish, but my guilt pursuasion of pursuasion of pursuasion of...more sins....

The crushing gnawing of the saber winds,
Hear the mermaid tails of the branchless twigs,
The ghoulish laughter of the rustic bridge,
The distant tremor of our fleece of dreams...

Your face will always find your face,
Locked upon your two eyes,
In the mirror, among the mess,
Of faces many to be hoaxed by.

Numb Saturday,
I’ve broken the chains,
Numb Saturday,
I’ve opened the veins,
Numb Saturday,
Am I so profane?

While my candle quietly slays the wind,
The crafty retort of my battered innocence
Into your moist eyes, blinds their glint,
So close to your eyes so unsuspecting…

Your face will always find your face,
Locked upon your two hole-eyes,
In the mirror, among the mess,
Of faces many to be hoaxed by.
Numb Saturday,
I’ve broken the chain,
Numb Saturday,
I opened the veins,
Numb Saturday,
But I have not changed.

They called her witch when she was bound
To the stake through the ground
When she escaped they called her free
She was more than just the living.

Another Saturday
And I’m once again hiding,
Behind my illusions,
Defying what I’m fighting…
Lying to my sore
Promises no more…
This is how I feel
And this is how I heal…

On numb Saturday,
When I broke the chains,
On Numb Saturday,
I opened the veins,
Numb Saturday
Sit still and vain.