Wednesday, December 31, 2008


If heaven won’t speak with me
About my salvation and blessings,
And if you’ll speak without me
About what might happen to me,
I can’t go and miss the tour,
I can’t go and miss you.
You’re my destiny,
Believe in me
You’re what I have to do.
Believe in me
You’re what I was born for.
Believe in me, I must be this way…
The cascade, slippery way…
The centre of the earth calls me.

If a gypsy had told you one day
About the misgivings of my tasks,
And if you took it to your fate
To follow me to save me from myself.
I can’t stay and miss the trail,
I can’t stay and kiss my fail.
You’re my destiny.
Believe in me
You’re what I have to do.
Believe in me
You’re what I was born for.
Believe in me, I have to be this way
The cascade slippery way…
The centre of the earth is my home…
It calls me.

I knew you would resist,
At the shimmering mouth,
Our tryst had to be,
One with the sound,
A sound once-heard,
A sound then-transferred,
A sound that will travel
To the centre of the earth…

Do you believe…?
Do you believe in me?

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Scarlet Lies

It’s a mystery why you still never hear me when I lie,
Or catch me when I steal words from your life,
It’s an agony that you never hear me crawl
Sideways in bed and flee across the hall…

You never know when I hear, you sing the rhyme
From behind you and tiptoe out of the room.
You never hear when I can hear you kissing the air
For their being around me and around you too.

You never see when I see you out of the corner,
Clumsily tripping over, calling my name.
You never see when I reach out to nothingness,
And still catch hold of something just the same.

You never hear me hear you say the things
You say and think you’ll never say in this life…
You never see me smile and hear me incline
My head in a nod and wait for you to smile…

It’s a mystery why you still never hear me when I lie,
Or catch me when I steal words from your life.

It’s a lie to say I wish that you could hear me lie.
It’s a lie to say I won’t steal again from your smile…
I would be so lying if I said you didn’t know me a bit…
Not even close, I couldn’t lie to you, yet I must, you see?
‘Cause I’d be lying if I said, I can live without you.
Not even close, nothing near the beautiful truth…
That I hear everyday what you never say…my love…

And she loves you too.

Lost Savior

The lost spring of last year
Never soaked in merriment so clear,
It reeks of sediment of fallen warriors
Of days of succumbing saviors.
Never hope to lose, or lose hope.
It’s a reminiscent day of the oak
White will the willow remain in dust
Of gravels at feet of a shattered crust
And mid-day suns, satin sky in burst,
Salvage and carnage in dance glorious.
Never hope to lose, or lose hope…
Estranged your might remain cloaked.

Will someone come close enough to kill
The one you were destined to shield?
Or is there someone to save her before
You come closer to her threshold?
Bear your name on your iron sword
Never forget or forgive what is sold,
Your soul is hers, and she yours
To protect and to heal against all odds.
Never hope to lose, or lose hope…
When end descends on your boat,
Let it take you to the unknown deeps
Where she shall be sleeping safe in peace,
And you can still guard her soul,
Till spring returns and sea-breeze blows…

Friday, December 26, 2008


I am brazen; I am brazen, despite your alchemy
I have no name; I have no name, after the mutiny.

God save all your cursed souls
Resplendent in the conscious terror
You shall live and I shall die
And I will have an end to my errors.

Futile is your deception blazed
By your beauty and treason.
Never mind what has passed,
The padre will find a reason…
At last you shall be with your lass
And I won’t watch you hovel on
With her, while loving me
Killing yourself slowly…

It’s a simple loophole, you overlooked?
It’s a shame, because I still love you…
Oh no, now I have to live!
I have to struggle to exist.

Stop calling my name, stop calling my name, to the winter,
I’m running, I’m running, just stop torturing the air.

They don’t know me,
I don’t breathe in them…
They won’t ever reach me,
I’m two steps ahead.
In the spotless dilemma of saving desires,
I am the nameless, estranged, standing heir.
I am the reason you all are here.
Aroused by the scent of today’s flowers...

I have betrayed your last claim on salvation
I will take away your blessings in carnation.
I am sorry to remember our magical bond,
To not be able to leave you alone…

Then the skies will brighten in the lights,
You and I shall stand distanced by heights,
Each in our peace humming the word
Lost shall be the mystique in the sword…
Lost shall be the enchanted palace,
Ours shall be a new year embraced.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


When the sun suddenly decides,
It aint gonna shine today
You’re the candle that
Made me wanna pray…for me!
You’re the high of streaking in rain
Along the shoreline
When I’m thinking I’m leaving
Everything behind…of me!
You’re the sense of touch that freezes
Against the glistening snow
And the frostbite that comes…on tow…
In August you’re the calm breeze
Unwavering in your graze
Silently stroll into my
Deepest, darkest maze…with me!
You’re the treading cold grass
On a highway nude-feet
When I know someone will
Stop and give a lift…to me!
But you’re the sense of touch that freezes
Against the glistening snow,
And the frostbite that comes...on tow.

You’re the immortal quotes of moments we’ve spent,
My one-time motion to what I’ve openly dreamt,
A kiss on a local bloom-swathed ordinary lane.
You’re the nausea of restless, aimless epochs,
The fits of rage and the laughing-it-offs,

The escapist’s journal on a night, storm-blown

You’re my everafter
My pain and my laughter;
You’re my scarlet fever,
Reason why I am now so weak…
You’re the lyrics of this song,
Written by a lost-child found,
Riding a tinkering merry-go-round…

You’re the sense of touch that freezes
Against the glistening snow,
And the frostbite that comes...on tow

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Leprechaun Tempest

There’s the snaky breathe of a midnight candle
Burnt out by a thrust on the door,
Removed from the trees, and their snore;
Someone’s there, watching us still
Living for us out there when we swindle
The night and leave it to battle
The tempest through the leaves on its own.

The wire has severed.
The birds that used to sit there
Will be gone…
All in one.

Even when heroes would travel to the daybreak
And wise men would have bored
Their philosophies with death’s detours,
A woman, in rags would be still
Living on the streets, nude, and dwindle
To an insane because that is what
An insane woman is fabled to be doing.

A mesh of bamboos stands high by rubble
Of a construction site now tore
Down by the tempest to nothing more;
Trees uprooted, leaving to swill
The spilling of more things to build,
There was next night new a sentinel
To watch over the fearful all night through.

But the wire has severed.
And the birds that used to sit there
Will they be really gone?
All in one?

If we were outside,
Would we really have died?

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Here's a bloody dilemma to deal with.
Leaves me with nothing but a fucking carnal hunger and bloody wet dreams.Clear off! is what I pine to everything.All of this. All of you.You who love and live for this System.
Maybe I'll just go to bed.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Greying matters

Did you know your shadow was winged?
When you frisk by, I can hear conspiring,
You feel cold, when they don’t want to be seen,
They wait till you drain, and part into dreams.

When you walked on stilts, I stalked you barefoot
When you dug up graves, I made them your home.
When you left your children I took care of them,
And now…I bow…just let me go…

I have struggled and rebelled to leave ground,
But the light finds a way to curve around.
I wish I’d no more be the simple outcome,
But pronounce my space with a sound.

Shadows…you cannot quite drown them…
I tried, they turned into my reflection…
Shadows…you can only let them hide…
Before you go, turn off the lights.
All in the realm of head shaving clichés,
It had risked your demure in this land,
It has gone to places with you alongside,
Now…it prays…let go of its hand.

Did you know your shadow was winged?
When you frisk by, I can hear conspiring,
You feel cold, when they don’t want to be seen,
They wait till you drain, and part into dreams.