Tuesday, December 23, 2008


When the sun suddenly decides,
It aint gonna shine today
You’re the candle that
Made me wanna pray…for me!
You’re the high of streaking in rain
Along the shoreline
When I’m thinking I’m leaving
Everything behind…of me!
You’re the sense of touch that freezes
Against the glistening snow
And the frostbite that comes…on tow…
In August you’re the calm breeze
Unwavering in your graze
Silently stroll into my
Deepest, darkest maze…with me!
You’re the treading cold grass
On a highway nude-feet
When I know someone will
Stop and give a lift…to me!
But you’re the sense of touch that freezes
Against the glistening snow,
And the frostbite that comes...on tow.

You’re the immortal quotes of moments we’ve spent,
My one-time motion to what I’ve openly dreamt,
A kiss on a local bloom-swathed ordinary lane.
You’re the nausea of restless, aimless epochs,
The fits of rage and the laughing-it-offs,

The escapist’s journal on a night, storm-blown

You’re my everafter
My pain and my laughter;
You’re my scarlet fever,
Reason why I am now so weak…
You’re the lyrics of this song,
Written by a lost-child found,
Riding a tinkering merry-go-round…

You’re the sense of touch that freezes
Against the glistening snow,
And the frostbite that comes...on tow

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