Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Scarlet Lies

It’s a mystery why you still never hear me when I lie,
Or catch me when I steal words from your life,
It’s an agony that you never hear me crawl
Sideways in bed and flee across the hall…

You never know when I hear, you sing the rhyme
From behind you and tiptoe out of the room.
You never hear when I can hear you kissing the air
For their being around me and around you too.

You never see when I see you out of the corner,
Clumsily tripping over, calling my name.
You never see when I reach out to nothingness,
And still catch hold of something just the same.

You never hear me hear you say the things
You say and think you’ll never say in this life…
You never see me smile and hear me incline
My head in a nod and wait for you to smile…

It’s a mystery why you still never hear me when I lie,
Or catch me when I steal words from your life.

It’s a lie to say I wish that you could hear me lie.
It’s a lie to say I won’t steal again from your smile…
I would be so lying if I said you didn’t know me a bit…
Not even close, I couldn’t lie to you, yet I must, you see?
‘Cause I’d be lying if I said, I can live without you.
Not even close, nothing near the beautiful truth…
That I hear everyday what you never say…my love…

And she loves you too.

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