Thursday, April 10, 2008

Trilogy of Light--Part I-- THE GUARDIANS

The roads,
In the land of Hope,
Is run all alone,
By the Guardians of light.

And the flight,
Of the stars into the night,
As they start to collide,
With the shields of vengeance.

They confess,
They do confess,
But nothing ever happens.

This is the land tortured by,
The Guardians of Light.

Is the cause of our time,
For the sake of mankind,
To call old man a disgrace.

And the face,
Of her face black with dismay,
Her mother cries in vain,
Oh, what a feeble shame!

But they pray,
They do and did pray,
But nothing paid.

Let the fire break out,
Let all be erased out,
Let the mutiny of the last
Be the story of the flags.

This is the land of hope,
And everyone sleeps alone.
The land tortured by,
The Guardians of Light.

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